Golden Week was last week.. so called because of a series of holidays that all take place during the same time, and most companies give their employees the whole week off work. And by most companies i mean not mine. Tuesday and Wednesday weren't holidays so i had to go in for two days of work last week. It seems really pointless to me, and also limits my travel time. Boo. But what can ya do? So i just tried to enjoy my Golden "Week" as best as i could.
Monday i met up with fellow blogger
Kawaii Kaba, who came here to Japan with her bf for vacation. To be honest i was a bit nervous about meeting up. As much as i enjoy new encounters, i'm just not the most out-going person and the uncertainty that comes with it all just makes me nervous. But as expected it was an enjoyable day! :) We met up in Yokohama- my first time in the area- and walked around, looked at the waterfront and the surroundings..
We stumbled upon the Nissan Gallery Global Headquarters! |
I was quite excited. I love Nissans. Look at all the beautiful, shiny cars. |
My first car was a Nissan though, so i could just be biased. It was a really nice car though, until the accident! |
Then we headed to Shin-Yokohama to check out the Ramen Museum. It was bookmarked in my "Japan" list of things i wanted to do when i came here last year, so i was excited to finally go see it! The top floor had a lot of stuff on the history of ramen, but as there was no English translation for my lazy self i didn't spend too much time trying to read about it. There was a little gift shop too, but we headed downstairs to the main attraction- a recreation of a 1950's Japanese town, with retro-looking buildings and signs and the like. There are nine different little ramen shops to choose from, and we ended up going with the
tsuke-men, since the line was one of the shortest, lol. It was a bit pricey as far as ramen/tsuke-men goes, and i forgot to ask for mine to be 肉抜き (without meat), but it was still very delicious! Not the meat.. i just ate around that.
There was a little stand selling drinks in cute little glass bottles, and i love when things are sold in glass bottles. I feel like everything these days is made of plastic and it all just seems so cheap, so i quite enjoy when things are sold in glass. I actually even have a little collection of glass jars and bottles that i keep around (and also my cool steel tin that my quick-cooking oats came in!). Anyway, back on topic, i saw those drinks and we ended up getting the yogurt drinks. It was good, and nice little dessert in a cute glass bottle that i have added to my collection. :)
The two of them were going to do some more exploring, but i opted to head home so i could get my Kansai-trip preparations done since i wouldn't have time the next couple days because of work.
Had a bit of a surprise encounter on the train ride home though. I fell asleep at one point, and when i woke up and looked up, i did a double-take at the guy standing in front of the door across from me. I was 99% sure it was K-to, one of the Japanese guys that would come and hang out with us
when i lived at the sharehouse. There was still that 1% doubt in my mind, so instead of saying anything i just sat and stared (probably made me look like a creeper), hoping to make eye contact and that if it was him he'd recognize me and say something. It had been a few months since i'd seen him last..
Anyway, i was beginning to think he'd never look away from his phone or iPod, but he finally did. He did a double-take as well (actually, i think it might've been a triple-take!), his eyes got all wide, and he just went, "Oh!" We waved to each other, and he took out an earphone but just kind of stood there, so i stood up and walked over to him. We talked until we got to my station, where we both had to back-track.. the train we were on was an express train which didn't stop at his station, and i just had to take the train one station back to go get some things at the 100-yen store, so we both got on the same train again. It was a nice coincidence and good to chat and catch up with him. Made me miss the sharehouse!
Working on a video/photo slideshow of the Kansai trip, which i probably will get to finish sometime this weekend. And i know i said i'd upload Disneyland pics, but since we put G-chan in charge of picture-taking and he's such a busy busy boy, i still haven't gotten any from him yet! Hopefully i'll get to post some of those soon though, too.